With the rise of e-commerce, counterfeit websites are becoming more and more rampant, selling the goods you are interested in at very low prices. These websites have only one purpose: to deceive consumers and defraud them of their money. We are deeply concerned about the safety of consumers’ shopping, and we are also committed to safeguarding the integrity of our products and brands.
customer service
If you cannot contact the other party during the purchase process, please do not continue.

This website is relatively new
Enter the website name in achive.org to check the time when the website was created. If the website is newly established and offers a large discount, don’t buy any products where.

This website does not let you choose your preferred retailer.
All existing bicycle models ordered online will first be shipped to authorized retailers for assembly. If the other party did not ask you to choose the receiving retailer, please do not buy from this website. Bicycles from previous model years can be shipped directly to consumers, but they must go through the website of an authorized retailer

Check the reliability of the website online
Use online tools such as ScamDoc to check the reliability scores of potential websites.

Call or email your local bicycle retailer
Before buying online, contact your local store, verify the website, and find a retailer.

Contact customer service
Visit the Contact Us page for information about contacting us directly.

If you feel you are being deceived by a fake website
If you feel that you may have provided personal information to a fake website, please call your bank or credit card company for help immediately. Unfortunately, if you provide money or information to a fake website, what can be done for you is prioritized.




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