The most important thing about wearing a bicycle helmet when riding a bicycle is that it ensures that it works when needed. This is related to whether the helmet is worn in the correct position, then how to adjust the helmet, in order to provide protection, the helmet must be worn correctly and properly maintained. Read the instructions below and follow them strictly.
step 1
Put the helmet on your head. The helmet should be flat so that it is just above the eyebrows, covering the forehead. Loosen the strap adjustment buckle.
Step 2
On the left, buckle the buckle under the chin and slide the strap adjustment buckle under the earlobe. The strap should rest flat on the head. Fasten the strap adjustment buckle. It should be just below the earlobe.
Step 3
Pull the slack strap on the left side across the back of the helmet from the right side of the helmet. Then repeat step 2 on the right. Step 4
Make sure that the chin strap passes through the right buckle in the correct way, and then fasten the buckle. To prevent loosening or swinging, the chin strap should be passed through the holder.
Step 5
Please make sure that the buckle is securely fastened. After the buckle is inserted, it will make a clicking sound. Pull the chin strap to both sides. The buckle should not loosen.
Step 6
Adjust the chin strap so that it is close to the bottom of the chin, as shown in the figure. The chin strap should be tight enough that only two fingers can be tucked between the chin and the strap.
How to test helmet adjustment
The helmet must fit the wearer’s head and be worn correctly. When checking the fit of the helmet, please wear the helmet and make adjustments according to the instructions in this manual. Secure the fastening system firmly. Grab the helmet and try to move the helmet back and forth.
If the helmet fits the head, it should feel comfortable to wear. It should not slide forward to block the line of sight, nor should it slide backwards to expose the forehead.