Proper maintenance and cleaning of a bicycle helmet can help ensure that it maintains its best appearance and performance during every ride. It’s simple! We will introduce the cleaning and maintenance methods, and share some tips to keep the helmet in the best condition.

How to properly clean a bicycle helmet
very simple. Wash the helmet gently with mild soap and water. Soaking or soaking can affect the performance of the helmet, but we have even heard stories of riders bringing the helmet into the shower!

Cleaning the bicycle helmet liner
We recommend hand washing the helmet liner in cold water with a mild soap. You can put the liners in the washing machine (soft wash at low temperature), but they may also start to layer. Do not dry the liner! Allow the liner to dry. If the liner delamination is too severe, consider replacing it with a new liner.

Cleaning the bicycle helmet strap
Wet the straps with water and mild soap. Gently scrub the straps to clean them. If you are washing a light-colored belt, scrub it vigorously, because the dirt and sweat on the light-colored belt are more obvious.

Suggestions for prolonging the service life of bicycle helmets
Store the helmet in a cool and dry place, away from sunlight. Avoid high temperature environments, such as placing it in a car on a sunny day. Too high temperature will damage the lining or face shell, or cause the two layers of materials to peel off.
Also avoid chemicals. Petroleum and petroleum products, detergents, paints, adhesives, etc. may damage the helmet and render it ineffective, and such damage may not be visible to the naked eye. This includes insect repellents containing DEET!



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